What is Divine Technology?

Divine Technology are profound non-physical energy technology that are built into your energy field and serves a multitude of beneficial purposes, which include support for mental emotional healing,  disharmonious EMF and technological pollution,  immunity from interference, and energetic mastery.

Divine Technology is available for all people of all ages, and all walks of life. It is for people who desire effective and deep transformation. It does not matter if you are starting a journey of conscious growth, have been on a personal development path or spiritual path for many years, Divine Technology will provide profound transformation.


To neutralise harmful and disharmonious electromagnetic fields (EMF) from technological devices, 4G, 5G, and other forms of technology.

Removal and immediate support of all forms of interference.

Full and automatic healing of wound or fragment as they are triggered or felt.

Essentials Package

A foundational and essential package to block inorganic forms from being put into your energy field.
As we navigate and engage this world whether through interacting with any person, corporate body, government, public spaces,
there can be inorganic, intrusive, beings or forms that attempt to enter your energy field, usually for purposes of control, limitation, disharmony and enslavement. The essentials package was designed to block all of this so you you can continue to move forward with your healing and clearing without needing to worry about getting new inference within you, allowing you to progressively step forward into clarity, and truth.

  • Blocks and protects you from all the main types of entities
  • Blocks black, dark magic and dark sorcery
  • Blocks AI and inorganic forms from being inserted into your field

Note: This package doesn’t block what is already inside your energy field, only that which is external attempting to enter it.

$173 AUD


Land Clearing

Planetary Divine Technology (PDT) is a non-physical, energetic technology for the purpose of clearing and transforming the energy of an area. It can be built for homes, local area, cities and sacred areas.

Whether its for your home, local area, or city, Planetary Divine Technology has great value.

  • Has a range of up to a 10km radius or 20km diameter
  • It will remain where its built maintaining the the area 24/7
  • 100% pure in its architecture and technology
  • Will not be tampered, blocked or removed
  • Support for disharmonious EMF
  • Nothing too dark or hard to shift
  • Clarity and lightness of an area is significantly different


What can be shifted?

  • All Ill-intended or “dark” entities of any dimension
  • AI, inorganic, interfering structures and forms.
  • Negative and dark technology and architecture
  • Distorted worldwide grids: Baphomet Grid, Black magic grids, Orion Grid Network
  • Specific grids and distortions found in your area
  • Closing of negative and fallen gates, portals and wormholes
  • Removal of reversals, programming and code
  • Increase of Light filling the entire area
  • Reconnecting the area to organic 1-12D blueprints
  • Black, dark, distorted, magic and sorcery on physical matter
  • Emanation of healing energy
  • Clearing emotional pain in the area from people
  • and more


These have been build across the planet with success in clearing even the darkest of areas. As all areas are different, I also scan the area you want it built to cover distortions that may not be anywhere else.

$200 AUD


Technology Package

The majority of everyday devices and technology are not completely harmonious to the human body and energy system. Our homes, workplaces and society, are enmeshed with harmful disharmonious electromagnetic frequencies, and radiation. These can come from technology such as computers, laptops, phones, 4G and 5G+, Bluetooth, wifi, household appliances, smart technology, and other technological devices.  Whilst different for each person, the exposure are known to create lethargy, fatigue, anxiousness, nausea, depression, disconnection and a range of health issues.

The Divine Technology within this section are designed to nullify and neutralise these harmful EMF in a direct and effective manner. The Divine Technology will support you 24/7, while you are awake or asleep, they require no repair, and they do not expend energy. They allow you to live with more energy, alleviate the stress imposed on your cells and energy field, support your body’s ability to remain in good health.

How will it benefit you?

  • Emotional and mental clarity
  • Have more energy
  • Interact with technology for longer periods with less stress.
  • Alleviate the stress imposed on your cells and energy field
  • Neutalise years of built up, absorbed disharmonious EMF/technology energy.
  • Prevent future absorption of disharmonious EMF/technology energy.
  • More harmonious relationships
  • Maintain a stronger connection to your Higher Self/ Essence.

Complete Technology Package

Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Electric Pollution
Divine Technology to Nullify Disharmonious EMF
Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Disharmious EMF
Divine Technology to Nullify Technology Energy
Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Technology Energy
Divine Technology to Nullify Bluetooth Energy
Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Bluetooth Energy
Divine Technology to Nullify 5G and 4G Frequencies
Divine Technology to Nullify Wifi Frequencies
Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Microwave Energy

(save $145)

$750 AUD



Divine Technology to Nullify Electric Pollution
Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Electric Pollution

“Electric pollution” are disharmonious electric energy from any electronic device such as computers, laptops, phones, tablets etc. These two come as a duo pack. They are designed to nullify the external electric pollution and neutralise the electric pollution you have already absorbed into your body and energy field.

$176 AUD


Divine Technology to Nullify Disharmonious EMF
Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Disharmonious EMF

“Disharmonious EMF” are disharmonious electromagnetic fields (EMF) from environments dense with cell towers, technology, machinery, smart technology, and electronic devices such as computers, laptops, phones, tablets etc. These two come as a duo pack. They are designed to effectively nullify disharmonious EMF and neutralise the disharmonious EMF you have already absorbed into your body and energy field.

$176 AUD


Divine Technology to Nullify Technology Energy
Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Technology Energy

“Technology Energy” is a simplistic term to describe the heavy and disharmonious energy that emanate from the majority of technological devices  such as computers, laptops, phones, tablets and other forms of smart technology. These two come as a pair, they are designed to effectively nullify technology energy and neutralise the technology energy you have already absorbed into your body and energy field.

$176 AUD


Divine Technology to Bluetooth  Energy
Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Bluetooth Energy

“Bluetooth Energy” is a simplistic term to describe the heavy and disharmonious energy that emanate from technological devices that utilise Bluetooth technology.  These two come as a pair, they are designed to effectively nullify Bluetooth  energy and neutralise the energy you have already absorbed into your body and energy field.

$154 AUD


Divine Technology to Nullify 4G and 5G Frequencies

This is designed to effectively nullify 4G and 5G frequencies that emanate from cell towers so it no longer impacts your body, allowing you to harmoniously exist in environments with 4G and 5G.

$71 AUD


Divine Technology to Nullify Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi emanates from internet routers, mobiles and other technological devices. Wi-Fi networks, especially when there are many, can create a disharmonious energetic environment.  This is designed to effectively nullify its energy so it no longer impacts your body, energy field allowing you to more harmoniously exist in environments with Wi-Fi.

$71 AUD


Divine Technology to Neutralise Absorbed Mircowave Energy

Microwaved food has a energetic quality to it that is disharmonious and remains in the body once consumed. This is designed to effectively neutralse what has been absorbed so it no longer burdens your body and energy field.

$71 AUD


Immunity Package

This package provides immediate support and protection from any form of external and internal energetic interference that has any kind of “heavy” or negative impact on you which can impede your experience of love, purpose, joy, happiness, and your connection to all of life.

There are various insidious influences that directly and non-beneficially affect the way that we think, feel and subsequently how we act. Everyone is impacted by this. These are beyond what most people can perceive and yet it can manipulate your perceptions, how you feel about certain things and people, how energised you feel, keep you looping in limiting thoughts and feelings, keep you in blame, perpetuate victimhood, interfere with relationships, prevent you from expressing yourself naturally, make it harder to feel loved, perpetuate addiction, create sabotage, and more.

These can be in the form of non-benevolent entities, a multitude of structures and forms that manipulate or trigger existing wound and fragments, forms that invoke heavy feelings, forms or bodies that maintain heavy feelings, forms that blind or distort clear perception, forms that manipulate thoughts and perpetuate negative thinking, forms that support the manifestation of heavy circumstances and much more.

Normally interferences go unnoticed because we think that the negative thoughts and heavy emotions that arise are always from ourself. Essentially most of them are your own, however a lot of time what made those arise have actually been influenced by some sort of interference.

The Immunity Package was designed to detect, identify, and remove the interference as they arise, and repair where the inference was. You do not need to know how to use it, it will work automatically to support you. It can also be used consciously to remove specific forms if you so desire.

What does the Immunity Package do?

  • Automatically remove any form of interference effectively, harmoniously, effortlessly, and completely.
  • Automatically Prevent any negative form, structure, or implants from being placed within you.
  • Identify and immediately handle all forms of interference of any dimension.
  • Have all types of interfering entities removed out of you as they arise
  • Revoke and remove any kind of entity binding, bondage, possession and attachment.
  • Have internal and external protection from all types of interfering entities within you
  • Have forms of energy that negatively manipulate how you think and feel, completely and harmoniously removed.
  • Be immune to basic and advanced forms of energy attack and black magic.
  • Full and proper repair and healing once interference is removed.
  • Remove the effects of Mind Control.


How does the Immunity Package benefit you?

  • Emotional and mental clarity
  • Allow you to focus on what you came here to do
  • Keep life simple and clear
  • Move forward in life
  • Be more centered and less triggered
  • More harmonious relationships
  • Navigate challenges more ease
  • Let the real you communicative and express in the world
  • Immediate support when you are triggered or down
  • Maintain a clearer connection with your heart and higher consciousness.
  • Maintain or develop empathy in the face of adversity


Divine Technology to Teleport Negative Forms
Divine Technology to Erase Negative Forms
Divine Technology to Revoke
Divine Technology for Evictions via Teleportation
Divine Technology to Evict a Resistant Entity
Divine Technology to Evict a Binded Entity
Divine Technology to Evict a SPE
Divine Technology to Remove a Secondary Binding
Divine Technology for Entity De-possession
Divine Technology Eviction Platform
Divine Technology to Extract an Entity
Divine Technology to Quarantine with Light
Divine Technology Space Holder
Divine Technology to Repair
Divine Technology for Invisibility (External)
Divine Technology to Install Krystal Star Algorithms
Divine Technology to Block the Installation of Negative Forms
Divine Technology to Block and Release Black Magic
Divine Technology to Block Red Cube Technology
Divine Technology to Block Black Cube Technology
Divine Technology to Block Black Hole Technology
Divine Technology for Protection (External)
Divine Technology for Protection Field
Divine Technology Protection Field to Transmigrate Black Magic
Divine Technology Protection Field to Transmigrate Projections and Attacks
Divine Technology Protection Field to Transmigrate Red Wave DEW
Divine Technology for Protection from Receiving a Secondary Binding
Divine Technology for Ban of Non-Interference
Divine Technology to Fill with Light
Divine Technology Light Barrier
Divine Technology to Transmigrate Negative Projections and Attacks
Divine Technology to Transmigrate Black Magic
Divine Technology to Transmigrate Redwave Direct Energy Weapons
Divine Technology Armor of Light
Divine Technology to Remove Forms from Other Aspects
Divine Technology to Remove Implants
Divine Technology to Remove
Divine Technology to Retrieve
Divine Technology for Non-Interference
Eviction Team (12 Beings)
Depossession Team (13 Beings)
Defense Specialists (7 Beings)
Interference Identification Specialist
Transit Gate


Mini Immunity Package - Energy Weapon Immunity

Divine Technology to Block and Release Black Magic
Divine Technology  Field to Transmigrate Black Magic
Divine Technology  Field to Transmigrate Projections and Attacks
Divine Technology  Field to Neutralise Black Magic
Divine Technology to Encode Directed Energy Attacks
Divine Technology to Evade Directed Energy Attacks
Divine Technology to Teleport Directed Energy Attacks
Divine Technology to Transmigrate Black Magic Frequency Attacks
Divine Technology to Transmigrate Black Magic Energy Attacks

$330 AUD


Healing Package

This package of Divine Technology provides profound healing. It supports the two types of psycho-emotional pain which are wounds and fragments, healing only that which is in alignment to heal, so you can still go through your learning, unlearning and growth process.

What does the Healing Package do?
Full healing of emotional wounds and fragments that are aligned to heal, all the way to its origin. Even through multiple lifetimes if it goes that far back.
Healing of the 12 main meridians and 8 extraordinary meridians
Maintains the 12 main meridians and 8 extraordinary meridians to be 85% or more healed at all times.
Healing of Ancestral fragments and wounds
Healing of Wounds and Fragments from Multidimensional Aspects*

How does the Healing Package benefit you?
A lot more emotional and mental stability
More centerdness
More stability in all relationships
Heal patterns that do not serve you
Heal your Anxiety
Have a stronger immune system
Healthier organs
Spend less time trying to heal and more time doing what you want
Enjoy life more instead of being overwhelmed
See through limiting ego patterns easier
Shift from limitation into empowerment quicker

The Divine Technology works automatically and requires no effort. No knowledge or experience, or expertise of healing is required. The healing package is fully automated and constantly in effect. It supports the full healing of a new or past, wound or fragment, from the moment it arises or is triggered. From the initial circumstance that brought it up, and will gently, efficiently, and completely heal all the way to the origin, even if its origin is of another lifetime. No matter how painful, traumatic, deep it is, all fragments or wounds will be fully supported.

This package has been carefully considered and covers aspects of the process other than healing the fragment or wound to ensure that the healing is complete.


Divine Technology for Fragmentation Support – All Lifetimes (Alternate Timeline)
Divine Technology for Healing Wounds – All Lifetimes (Alternate Timeline)
Divine Technology for Fragmentation Support – All Lifetimes (Akashic Record)
Divine Technology for Healing Wounds – All Lifetimes (Akashic Records)
Divine Technology for Multidimensional Fragmentation Support (Akashic Records) *
Divine Technology for Multidimensional Wound Healing (Akashic Records) *
Divine Technology to Heal Ancestral Fragments
Divine Technology to Heal Ancestral Wounds
Divine Technology to Revoke
Divine Technology for Evictions (Teleportation)
Divine Technology to Teleport Negative Form
Divine Technology to Close and Teleport Harmful Portals
Divine Technology to Heal and Seal Holes in Aura
Divine Technology to Heal Meridians
Divine Technology to Heal
Healing Team (21 Beings)
Healing Identification Specialist (1 Being)
5 Rules (To automate and utilise the Divine Technology)

*  Available only if you have received a Universal Stream Chart


Frequently Asked Questions

The Process
Ermond will build the non-physical Divine Technology within your energy field in his own timing. This is done remotely, you do not need to be present online or in-person. You do not need to be in a meditative state.  Once it is completed Ermond will notify you via email. A 30 minute QnA Zoom session is available if you desire.

I have no experience with healing, I am new to all of this, will this work for me?
Divine Technology works for everyone, people of all ages, cultures and experiences. If you’ve been on a spiritual journey or personal development path for a short or long time, Divine Technology will work for you and will help you.

I’ve been on the spiritual path and healing work for a long time, will this be of any use to me?
I invite you to tune into your heart or your intuition and see if it resonates for you. I have had people who are healers receive great benefits and experience  mental and emotional stability and peace.


If you want either package or both, or have questions, please fill your name and email below and I will email you with some details on the installation process and pricing.

Or email me at: contact@ermondmachica.com

Please check your junk mail.