Sacred Spaces


Sacred Spaces contains 5 audio tracks that are energetically potent transmissions that emanate from deep within your heart and out into your immediate space. These are heart centered spaces that can assist you in harmonious transformation, peace, clarity of being, love, guidance and self realisation. There are two main types of spaces with variations of each. One space focuses on the heart, the other is designed to focus on your infinite nature. These are designed for people of all levels of meditation experience, there are files with guidance, minimal guidance and silence (pure energy transmission).

6 files are included:
Introduction to Meditation.pdf
Heart Centered Meditation.mp3 (Full Guidance)
Heart Centered Meditation.mp3 (Min Guidance Loop)
Heart Centered Meditation.mp3 (Silent)
Rest as Infinity.mp3 (Full Guidance)
Rest as Infinity.mp3 (Silent)

“Thank you Ermond for beautifully leading me on a deep journey into the heart. It is very easy to surrender and drop into very deep levels of awareness in the heart with the support of Ermond. He creates a special space for this connection and healing to occur” – Vanessa
